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Dark carpets: will they fit into your home?

carpet showroom

It’s October, the dark nights are quickly approaching and Halloween is just a few weeks away, so maybe it’s time to start things about darker home decor! Will you choose a Dark Carpet or Light Carpet? Here at Welch Mill Carpet Showroom, we have an extensive range of carpets and flooring styles that will suit any home.

If you’re thinking about updating your flooring with some dark carpets but you’re unsure, this is the blog for you!

Pros and Cons of Dark Carpets

Of course the main positives with having dark carpets is that they won’t show as many marks or stains as lighter carpets would. They also don’t show wear as much as light carpets, so if you do have a full and busy household, dark carpets would definitely be a more hard wearing choice, whilst being super low maintenance.

Dark carpets make a room feel much comfier and cosy, which is perfect for these colder season. It can be dressed down during the summer with bright accessories or maybe a new lick of paint.

On the other end of the spectrum, dark carpets can actually lighten with age and wear in high traffic areas, which can be an issue. It’s easier to remove a dark stain on a lighter carpet than it is to make a light patch on a dark carpet dark again.

It’s also worth remembering that dark carpets can show up lighter hair, so if you have light colour/white pets, their hair will show up a lot more on dark carpet than on light.

One myth about dark carpets is that they can make a room feel smaller than it it, but this all depends on what you’re pairing the dark carpet with. If you pair dark with dark then yes it can create an atmospheric and deeper feeling than a dark carpet paired with bright or deep colours.

Dark Carpet or Light Carpet

Picking between a Dark Carpet or Light Carpet will be a vital part of designing your home, especially new homeowners. This will set the tone for your whole interior, perhaps a light colored carpet in the living room and darker colored carpets upstairs or sticking to one colour. There is a lot to unpack with light vs dark carpet selections.

A Lighter Colored Carpet will have a more luxury appearance, often being neutral colours and needing more upkeep.

A Darker Carpet will be able to hide dirt and hides stains, thus manage more foot traffic. A Black Carpet UK command a room, so you will need the furniture and ornaments to match the tone of black carpets.

Maybe even match a dark flooring with a light wall colour, to have the best of both worlds – ideal for a dining room.


Welch Mill Carpet Showroom

So if you’re interested in upgrading your home flooring, get in touch with one of our team today! We have everything from light rugs, hardwood flooring to black carpet UK.